Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I love a good, soft, warm blanket when it is cold. The Christmas before my mama passed away my sisters and I decided to make her a blanket out of fleece. We chose bright cheery colors on one side and a turqouise on the other side. In our family we like to give our blankets names. (bet you never thought of that!!!) Anyway, we decided to name this blanket "Rejoice" because it looked "happy". Mama used it everyday....she never forgot it's name...."Rejoice". Shortly after mama passed away I inherited her "rejoice" blanket...(I was thrilled to say the least!)

Not long ago I was curled up on the couch....it was one of those cold wintry nights (that is rare in the south) and I began to watch a movie. I considered it a wonderful night because I was warm and cuddly deep inside my "rejoice" blanket and I was also watching a pretty decent movie. I have to say that I began to doze off about an hour into the movie when I heard a quote from the movie that jolted me. The movie by the way was "What a Girl Wants" . The story basically is about a girl who was born into royality but doesnt know it...until her father finds her and invites her to come and stay with him. While there, he inducts her into society. She tries really hard to "fit in" with her groupies.....but just is not "cut out" like they are. A boy that she meets whom she really likes...says to her one day..."why are you trying so hard to "fit in" when you were meant to "stand out".

That is when I woke up out of my TV trance and my spirit began to wake up as well.....I thought to myself....WOW....what a great quote for Christians. Why ARE we trying so hard to fit in? Especially in a place that is truly not our home?

Just like this unsuspecting girl....we are the same....we were FOUND by our FATHER in Heaven....He gave us BEAUTY for our ASHES......a ROYAL ROBE instead of our FILTHY RAGS....and He looks at us and says..."quit trying so hard to fit in!!!!" You WERE meant to stand out.....to stand out for me....and for what I have made you...a CHILD OF THE KING....A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD.

Wow....a tiny quote in a secular movie can have such a profound effect! So.....we can "REJOICE" in that over 2000 years ago....the KING of GLORY came down to us. Not by a mighty shout and proclaimation....no....He came as a tiny baby, no accolades for Him...just a simple birth. And during His life here on earth He didn't try to "fit in" because He knew Who He was.....and now He wants to remind us....

"But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God's instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted. " I Peter 2:9

Now quit trying so hard to fit in....and rest in knowing....you were MADE to stand out!

Rejoice....the King of the Universe has called you His OWN!



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