Saturday, July 19, 2008

Enough Said!

Karl Barth, was a famous though sometimes controversial contemporary Swiss theologian. He was a great thinker, a wonderful writer, and a professor at several leading European universities.

On one occasion he was interviewed by a reporter who wanted a brief summary of his twelve thick volumes on church dogmatics. Barth could have given an impressive intellectual reply or a profound theological dissertation. He didn't. Quoting from the popular children's hymn, he simply replied, "Jesus loves me.... THIS I know, for the Bible tells me so."

Nothing else....nothing more....enough said!

The true meaning of John 3:16...

God...the greatest lover
So loved...the greatest degree
The world...the greatest number
That He gave...the greatest act
His only begotten Son...the greatest gift
That whosoever believes...the greatest invitation
In Him...the greatest person
Should not perish...the greatest deliverance
But...the greatest difference
Have...the greatest certainty
Eternal Life...the greatest possession

Nothing else...nothing more (because this is the MOST)....

Enough Said!

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